Customize Your Cedarville Visit Experience
Schedule a personalized visit to explore what matters to you! Whether you're passionate about serving others with Christlike compassion, designing innovative business solutions, or using your creative or athletic talent to glorify God, you'll discover how your unique gifts can flourish at Cedarville.
Whatever God has placed on your heart (or even if you're not sure yet!), register for a personalized visit to see how your 1000 Days at Cedarville can deepen your love for the Lord and equip you to pursue His calling on your life.
Personalized Visit Schedule
Here's what you'll experience during your personalized visit:
8:45 a.m.
Arrive on Campus
9 a.m. | 11 a.m.–4 p.m.
Personalize Your Visit!
10 a.m.
Attend Chapel
4 p.m.
Visit Concludes
When scheduling your visit, you can choose if you'd like to stay overnight in a residence hall with a current student!
This schedule represents a typical weekday personalized visit. Please note that if you visit on a Saturday or during a break or finals week, options may be more limited and timing may differ slightly. Check the registration form for specific times and offerings on the day of your visit!
Register for Your Personalized Visit
Get to know Cedarville University and see firsthand how your God-given passions can be strengthened throughout your 1000 Days here. You'll be able to tailor your visit to whatever matters most to you!
Check back during the late spring for fall personalized visit dates to become available!
Reach Out to Us!
If you have any questions about your visit, you'd prefer to schedule your visit over the phone, or you're registering within two weeks of your visit date, please reach out by calling us at 1-800-CEDARVILLE (233-2784). We can't wait to see you on campus!